“We’ve built bSmart Tutors considering the needs of families and schools. The platform ensures complete transparency, high-level teaching and continuous support, directly at the students’ home”.
This is what Emanuele Putignano – CEO of Applix Education – explained during this morning’s radio interview with the director of Fondazione Einaudi on Radio24.
The solution to the problems highlighted by the foundation’s research about the market of private lessons comes from the web: using bSmart Tutors, families can save up to 50% of the €27/hour average cost estimated by the research.
“We are offering the use of Tutors to schools as well, so that they can easily organise courses for students with difficulties and keep supporting their classes also outside school hours, for instance by helping the 800.000 students in Italy who are not Italian native speakers to improve their language skills. Teachers and families have to be supported, technology has to be put at their service” Putignano added.